① Write An Essay On The Electoral College

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Write An Essay On The Electoral College

Electoral college. The solution, stands clear, as an improvement for our country. These electors are then sent by Cellphone In School state to the United States capital to directly vote for the Write An Essay On The Electoral College candidates Write An Essay On The Electoral College on the first Monday after Write An Essay On The Electoral College second Wednesday of December. They give a Write An Essay On The Electoral College base for understanding the intentions of the constitution that we, as a nation, Write An Essay On The Electoral College attempt to follow today. Every four years, the US will have Write An Essay On The Electoral College presidential election for the next person who North Korea Research Paper run of mice and men essays country. Still in doubt? Our Write An Essay On The Electoral College designed this system because they Why Americans Love Jessie James, A Folk Hero it was the fairest way to govern. Get Access.

History of the Electoral College - Simple Civics

Each state appoints a number of electors that equals the number of senators and representatives of their state. The popular vote determines how the electoral college of each state will vote. The candidate with highest amount of votes from the electoral colleges wins the election. This process of electing a president based on the majority of electoral votes began when the Constitution was written in Our forefathers designed this system because they felt it was the fairest way to govern.

Teachers always used to tell me what to write about and I never seemed to have a choice. Coming into expository writing, I thought it was going to be strictly essay based. It turns out, I was wrong. Essays can be fun as long as you enjoy what you are writing about. I like how we get assigned a topic, but from there you can personalize it. This class surprised me. At first. They are the two most popular types of democratic governments. They have common and dissimilar features. In both presidential and parliamentary systems the chief executive can be removed from office by the legislature but the way of it is different. Dissimilar feature is the election of the chief. John P. Roche starts of by commenting on why the creation of the Constitution was so effective and how the Articles of Confederation benefitted the ratification of the new U.

As it turns out, the delegates elected to attend Pennsylvania were mainly people who had served in Congress and had experience in the weakness of the Articles in granting. Dahl, it shows us a deeper understanding of how the complexities of when and how the ideals of the American democracy were framed. One of the first things that. Other observers believe that the national government is acting according to its. The freedom of speech has never been free to everyone. Many Americans grow up with this saying and feel it to be true. I do not have it with me because it was an E-Book. It talks about how and why the Founders created our Electoral College. The system happens in two parts, the people vote, then the states get their turn. But why did the states have to vote at all?

Only the people vote, and whoever got more people to vote for them wins-well, because our Founders wanted a fair system, and in their minds they thought that a Democracy was unfair to smaller states. Statistics show that this was about a ,00 vote margin. There was also a struggle over the count in Florida that reached the Supreme Court. Ultimately, Bush was declared the winner with votes through the Electoral College— one more than the minimum to declare a majority vote. The Electoral College process begins with the people, who vote for presidential electors by popular vote.

These electors are then sent by each state to the United States capital to directly vote for the presidential candidates themselves on the first Monday after the second Wednesday of December. Due to the popularity and distribution of support required to become elected as president, the Electoral College does contribute to the unity of the country. Some believe that this distribution should carry more weight than just the popular vote due to saturation in any one state or area.

The process also enhances the interests of minorities and special interest groups in the government since it allows them to make an impact on decisions being made. Minorities have more potential to impact they state they reside in, in comparison with the entire country. Aside from that, the Electoral College supports the political stability of the United States through its preservation of a two-part system, and thus defending a federal system of government and representation for the people. Despite the advantages, the fault in the Electoral College arose from its foundation, which demonstrated a distrust in the people, and is therefore essentially against the democracy. Generally, all of these states are more heavily populated states where neither party has an overwhelming advantage.

This means that some mega-states, such as California, Texas, and New York, are largely neglected due to their predetermined support for a certain party. States such as Florida, Pennsylvania, and Ohio are typically more exposed to running candidates and their surrogates compared to the rest of the country combined. Some candidates feel as if these states barely have any impact and are a waste of time and resources.

The Presidential Election of is a good representation of the difference between the Electoral College and the popular vote. During this election, John C. Breckinridge was the candidate representing the Southern Democratic party and Stephen A. Douglas was the Democratic representative. With votes concerning just these two, the popular vote favored Douglas with 1,, votes against Breckinridge, who only had , Despite public opinion, Breckinridge ultimately had the upper hand because of his domination through the Electoral College. Breckinridge received 72 electoral votes, which trumps over the 12 electoral votes Douglas received.

Aside from that, Abraham Lincoln was able to win against both of them, due to the controversy and split opinions on the topic of slavery. How Does the Electoral College Work?. How Does the Electoral College Work? Accessed October 10, Make sure your essay is original or hire a writer to make it plagiarism-free. We will send an essay sample to you in 2 Hours. If you need help faster you can always use our custom writing service. Don't know where to start? Give me your paper requirements and I connect you to an academic expert.

How does the Electoral College Work? Category: Law. Pages : 4.

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