⌛ The Bradys And The Girl Smuggler Analysis

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The Bradys And The Girl Smuggler Analysis

The Bradys And The Girl Smuggler Analysis looks to me as if she were heading for the French district in the neighborhood of Third street. La Croix pulled the box into his front The Bradys And The Girl Smuggler Analysis through a door The Bradys And The Girl Smuggler Analysis the partition which surrounded The Bradys And The Girl Smuggler Analysis hatchway. The villain is bound to keep shady now. The Bradys And The Girl Smuggler Analysis sprang to his feet, cry in alarm: Good heavens I Are these smuggled diamonds? Since I can t dissuade you from yo purpose, I shall not bother myself any further abo The Bradys And The Girl Smuggler Analysis. No one suspected us, of course. For a while they had a rest. We got a tip about Figure Skating Vs Ice Dancing guy from a neighbor of his who recognized him from the bank video that the The Bradys And The Girl Smuggler Analysis news stations aired. Finally Gibson affected a mocking laugh, and said, derisively: Suicide And Suicide In William Shakespeares Romeo And Juliet can a Secret Service man do in a Custom House case, if we men, educated for it, can't finish a job we find too The Bradys And The Girl Smuggler Analysis for us?

The Bradys #1 A Moving Experience

He rang a hand-bell and a uniformed boy approached, to whom he gave an order and the Bradys were escorted away. By questioning the help they soon found that the smuggler, his wife and his daughter had left the hotel by another exit. A policeman in the street had seen them hire a cab and drive away through Broadway at a rapid pace. Unable to learn anything else, the detectives went home.

They had very comfortable apartments and spent the day there piecing out the torn letter so it could be read. On the following day they had it translated, and read the following startling piece of information:. I shall then take her to Amsterdam, Holland, and procure the fifty packages of diamonds. She can then assume a fictitious name and take passage on the steamer Labrador, to Canada. You can meet her in Montreal, and the stones can be taken across the border at Niagara Falls, as you suggest.

Should you follow this plan, wire me at once, and I shall so arrange matters that the American spies for the Customs officials who are on the lookout here shall know knothing about the transaction. Everything depends upon keeping this a secret from them, or they will cable back to the U. But there was enough to expose the whole plan of smuggling a huge amount of diamonds into the United States.

Get a cab and we'll see if we can catch her before she departs. As she's pretty sure to have all those diamonds with her, we can nab them with evidence on their persons, of their smuggling enterprise. A hack was engaged and they rode over to the French Trans-Atlantic Company's pier on the North river. By the time the cab reached the dock, however, the steamship's mooring lines had been cast off, the gangplank was down and the vessel was being pulled out into the stream.

Eagerly scanning the throng of passengers on the upper deck, they suddenly caught view of Clara La Croix. The girl was standing in the stern waving her handkerchief and shouting to a stylishly-dressed middle-aged woman on the stringpiece:. He fears arrest now, as he knows we are after him. It will therefore be all the easier to follow her undetected. The steamship soon went down the river and the friends and relatives of the departing passengers began to leave the pier.

La Croix was one of the last to go. She did not know that the Bradys were close behind her. The smuggler's wife leisurely left the pier, crossed the street and went in the direction of Sixth avenue, on foot. It did not seem to occur to her that she might be followed, for she never once glanced back in the direction she came from. Whether she was actually concerned in La Croix's smuggling games or not, they had not the faintest idea.

She was a fine-looking woman, tall and stately, with brown hair, blue eyes and handsome features. But she seldom laughed. Hers was one of those set, inscrutable faces, hard to read, for she seldom showed the emotions preying upon her mind. In fact, if she were not so greatly interested, I doubt if she would allow her child to make such a long, dangerous trip alone. She is used to danger. This may not be her first voyage abroad alone. In fact, she has probably been making many trips to the other side, bringing back jewels to be smuggled ashore. We shall be obliged to follow them there. We can't arrest them now on suspicion, nor can we pull La Croix in for trying to murder us in the Fifth Avenue Hotel elevator.

If we do, it will interfere with our capturing the girl when she returns with those jewels. She's a good walker. It looks to me as if she were heading for the French district in the neighborhood of Third street. Queer she didn't ride. Here she suddenly turned into the hall of a very old house across the front of which hung the sign of an artificial flower maker. Going up a flight of stairs, the woman knocked at a door and when it was opened, she passed into a room, closing the door after her. La Croix replied, in sad tones. We shall not see her for a month. I'm getting [Pg 10] sick of it. We do not lead the peaceful lives of other people. It is a constant excitement and fear of police interference.

Zees ees ze last treep ze child make. Eef eet ees wong success, we make so much dollaires zat we can retiaire an' leeve ze life of ease for ze rest of our days, by gar! You need ze rest, for to-night we leave New York by rail for Canada, for I have sold all ze stones I had, an' mail my draft to Paris. Hearing some one coming downstairs from an upper floor, the old detective retreated along the hall and crouched back in a doorway. He pressed himself back flat against the door hoping the person who was coming would pass him in the gloom without observing his presence.

As he pressed his back against it, it flew inward all of a sudden and pitching over backward, the detective fell sprawling upon the floor of a small room adjoining the one occupied by La Croix and his wife. Watching me, eh? I show you, Monsieur. He seized an iron bar standing in the corner and as the old detective was upon the point of scrambling to his feet, he dealt the officer a fearful blow that knocked him senseless.

He just had time to bang the door shut to prevent the person who was coming from upstairs from seeing what was going on. When I geet through wiz heem now, he not weel trouble us again een wong hurry. When this was done an idea suddenly flashed across his mind, and he bounded to his feet and exclaimed, hoarsely:. He hastened from the room and made a search of the hall. Then he quietly passed downstairs and there caught view of the young detective keeping guard outside the street door. So long as ze Bradys ees on my track, I may go to ze preeson at any moment. It makes me nairvous, by gar!

He took up a position at the head of the stairs, wondering how he could get the best of the detectives. Convinced that they knew all about his smuggling business and would arrest him at the first opportunity, it made him so desperate that he would not have hesitated to kill both of them. He had not been standing at the head of the stairs long before he saw Harry glide into the hall as quietly as a shadow.

The boy was becoming impatient over his partner's long absence and made up his mind to find him. Searching the lower hall, he failed to see anything of Old King Brady and then cautiously made his way upstairs. Keeping the door open on a crack when darkness fell upon the room, he peered out and listened intently. But he heard the young detective's soft footfalls passing the door and he stepped out into the hall behind Harry. Slight as the noise was which he made, the boy heard him and turned around, striving to pierce the gloom with his sight. He suddenly sprang forward with both hands extended, struck against the boy, clutched him by the throat and knocked him over backward.

As his head went back, with the Frenchman's grip on his windpipe, his skull banged against the door-casing. With a look of evil triumph on his dark face, the man seized the boy, dragged him into the room and his wife locked the door. Put zem out of ze way, my dear. Dispose of zem so effectually zat we not weel be trouble wiz zem again. On the following morning Paul La Croix went upstairs to the man who made artificial flowers and said to him:.

I 'ave some sings een ze rooms ve occupy zat I weesh to send to a friend een Sacramento. To do so, I must 'ave wong beeg packing case. I see an empty wong standing over zere near ze hatchway. Can I buy him from you? Reynard, pleasantly. He opened the hatchway while La Croix was profusely thanking him, put a sling around the box and lowered it. La Croix pulled the box into his front room through a door in the partition which surrounded the hatchway.

This done and Reynard out of the way, the smuggler turned to his wife, pointed at the box and asked her, with a grim smile:. He was provided with a hammer and some nails, and taking the lid off the box, he saw that it was amply big to hold the detectives' bodies. Some of the joints were shrunk open, he noticed, which would admit air for the officers to breathe. This would keep them alive some time if they were not killed some other way in transit.

Calling his wife to aid him, he went into the next room where the two bound and gagged detectives laid upon the floor side by side. It filled them with chagrin to reflect that this Frenchman had alone overpowered them without the slightest trouble. He took the detective by the head and she grasped his ankles and they quickly dropped their prisoner in the case.

When La Croix nailed on the lid, they realized what he intended to do with them and it made them feel very downhearted. La Croix then borrowed Reynard's brush and marking pot and they heard him chuckle and say to his wife:. By ze time ze secret police arrive zere, par Dieu , zey weel be zez dead mans! This done, between them they lowered the case through the hatchway into the street, and it was banged with a hook, turned over and over and pushed up a pair of rungs on the truck. Finally the truck was driven away with them, and reaching the Erie freight depot, the driver got a receipt for the box and dumped it off his truck. The detectives laid in the freight building for some time, and the interior of the box became hot and stifling.

About noontime their troubles began again, for the freight handlers got hold of the box to send it over the river to Jersey with other freight. The detectives were tumbled and slammed about roughly, at one moment resting on their heads, at another on their faces, then they were picked up by a hand-truck and banged upon their backs on the boat. For a while they had a rest. No one heard the groans of pain they uttered as they were bumped, bruised and cut, and they were carried over the river. Here the rough handling began again until they were laden on a freight car due to go out that night. It was such a painful attitude in those cramped quarters that they were in misery, for they were face to face, with [Pg 12] their bodies bent over on account of the box being too short for the length of their bodies.

Both had made the most desperate efforts to get rid of their bonds and gags, but found it impossible to do so. Hunger and thirst were now added to the miseries they already endured and the strain they were under brought them to the verge of fainting. Toward noontime the train paused at a way station to take on some freight and the box in which the detectives were packed was thrown over to make room for it. As it struck the floor, Old King Brady struck his face forcibly against the side of the box and made his nose bleed. Sounded like a man's voice. Another groan from the old detective attracted his attention to the packing case, and he saw a tiny stream of blood trickling out of it through one of the cracks, upon the floor.

He began to suspect a corpse was in the box, and visions of a dreadful murder mystery floated through his mind. A third groan from Old King Brady reached their ears and seeing the blood, they quickly realized that there was some one in the case. Cries of astonishment escaped the men, and observing that the pair were still alive, they pulled them out of the box and laid them on the floor.

Removing the gags and bonds, the trainmen brought water and bathed the bruised and swollen faces of the detectives. After eating and drinking and rubbing their legs and arms, the Bradys recovered rapidly and told who they were and what befell them. They are probably on their way to Canada now. If the newspapers get hold of the story and publish it, our enemy may learn how we baffled his design and he will be on his guard against an attack from us.

We'll reach Buffalo to-night and you can then attend properly to your injuries. The train then moved on, and the detectives finally reached their destination and put up in a hotel, where a physician attended to their injuries. You cannot arrest La Croix on Canadian soil for smuggling. And the veiled woman in deep mourning, who accosted the old detective in a dark street in Toronto, turned as if to walk away.

On the night in question, Old King Brady had gone out from his hotel alone, when the woman in mourning met him in the street. When he discovered this and turned around, asking why she was dogging his footsteps, she gave the above recorded answer. By her mentioning his name, he realized that she knew him, and he at once suspected she was La Croix's wife. I want to know who it is that knows me—who knows all about the private business which has brought me to this city.

Speak out. Who are you? Old King Brady was determined to know her, however, and he seized her long crepe veil and attempted to remove it from her face. She drew a slender dagger from the folds of her dark dress, and as the lamplight glanced upon the blade, it flashed as she drew it back. There was a ring of intense earnestness to her voice, and it froze the smile that rose to the old detective's face. It now began to dawn upon his mind that she was not Mrs. La Croix after all. The voice was different. She was shorter and stouter than the smuggler's wife. Her actions were different. I know you are only following up this case because you were ordered to do so. I therefore don't wish to see you perish.

A number of times they have been as close to you as I am. Yet you did not know it. By this you can realize how easy it would be for them to attack you unexpectedly, kill you, and escape. Don't delude yourself. Your enemies are very powerful people. They will beat you in the end. The veiled woman sighed and bowed her head in thought. Finally she strode away, saying in impatient tones:. Since I can't dissuade you from your set purpose, I shall not bother myself any further about the matter. I have no more to say," she replied, sharply. If you do, it will be as much as your life is worth.

He glanced over his shoulder and caught view of the shadowy figures of several men lurking about the trees lining the street. The journey was made in utter silence, and the old detective noticed that the shadowy men were following them. When they reached the corner, Old King Brady glanced around, looking for Harry, who agreed to meet him there. For a moment there was no notice paid to it, but presently he heard a distant hissing sound of singular penetration. Don't think I am ungrateful for your kindness. On the contrary, I appreciate it very much. But my duty compels me to pay no heed to your valuable warning.

I must run down my quarry. Good-night, madam. She stood watching him until he was several blocks distant and then gave vent to a low, peculiar whistle. Instantly four men came gliding from the shadows, and grouped around her, as she started to walk away. When she was gone, Harry Brady slid down from the dense foliage of a nearby tree where he had been a hidden watcher. The boy had seen the woman and her body-guard, and knew that his partner wanted him to shadow her from that point. Dodging from tree to tree, slinking along in the densest shadows and never exposing himself for an instant in a ray of light which would betray him, Harry dogged them to the railroad station. And the boy ran behind a freight car to shelter him from the gaze of the passengers in the waiting train.

Directly opposite him sat the woman in black, with two of her male companions in the seat ahead and two behind her. Young King Brady, of course, knew nothing about the dialogue which passed between his partner and the girl. But he felt pretty confident that Old King Brady did not know who the girl was. Without the slightest hesitation Harry made his way unseen to the rear car, and boarded the train just as it pulled out of the station. He felt pretty sure he would not be known in this outfit, and passing inside the car, he took a seat. Lawrence river. They must be either in Montreal or Quebec, for the girl is going to the former place. Miss Clara made a quick trip. She could not have been here long from Holland. And I presume she is laden with those diamonds she went after.

La Croix is now doubtless scheming to smuggle them over the border into the United States. We've got to watch these people closely now. That Frenchman is a desperate man. We have seen that he would not stop at murder to attain his purposes. He will be wondering what has become of me now. A short time afterward one of the girl's male companions made a trip from one end of the train to the other. He sharply eyed every passenger on the cars and favored Harry with a particularly keen and searching stare. It took fifteen hours to make the run, and it was three o'clock on the following afternoon before the train pulled into Montreal.

Shadowing the girl smuggler and her companions, Harry saw them go to a hotel, where the men left her. While they went down to the Dominion Line dock, the girl passed into the hotel and Harry saw her go upstairs. The hotel clerk, a dudish young fellow, was staring after her when Harry approached him and said:. She went down to Toronto a few days ago leaving the old folks here. She's just returned. That's right next to the one occupied by the beautiful young widow. Perhaps it may lead to your becoming acquainted with her as you wish. Harry went out and telegraphed to Old King Brady to [Pg 15] come and meet him in Montreal and then went to his room. While washing, he heard the hum of voices in Clara La Croix's room, and gliding over to the wall, pressed his ear against the partition.

The first thing he heard was a man's voice which he did not recognize, but presumed was La Croix, asking:. They report that the Custom House inspectors at Niagara Falls are on the alert. There has been a shaking up of the department. The Collector of the Port of New York is dissatisfied with the amount of smuggling that is being carried on, and made it very hot for everybody. We'll either have to keep shady a while or play a trick on them to pass the diamonds I brought over from Holland. It would ruin me. I'll have to think of some—vat you call—plan to beat ze Custom House. A look of blank dismay settled upon his sallow face, his dark eyes sparkled angrily and he exclaimed:. One of your men discovered them.

Before I came here, I met Old King Brady in the street and warned him of the danger of following you up. He refused to quit. I presumed you wished to consult with them and therefore ordered them to report here to you. I'm going to get rid of these uncomfortable widow's weeds. They were all very well as a disguise in which to travel in Europe and come back here, but I am heartily sick of wearing them.

They make me feel so old. The girl then left her room and as there was no more to hear, Harry resumed his ablutions and put on his false beard again. He kept a strict watch upon the smuggler all that day and saw La Croix hold a meeting with his spies in his own room. The boy failed to overhear what they had to say, but that did not worry him, as long as he had his quarry under observation. On the following afternoon an old farmer with a homespun suit, an old felt hat, and gray whiskers, arrived at the hotel. Harry was standing in the lobby when he came in and recognized him at once as Old King Brady, but made no sign. The old detective recognized the boy at the same moment, and calling for a room, he seized his carpet bag and umbrella, and followed the bell-boy upstairs.

Harry considered it safest to keep apart from his partner in public, and for that reason failed to speak to him. When he afterward learned which room Old King Brady occupied, he quietly went up there and was admitted. In whispers they explained to each other all that transpired and the old detective was delighted over the boy's success. As La Croix's party did not seem to be in any hurry to leave Montreal, the Bradys had plenty of time to arrange their plans.

Knowing they had those diamonds with them, and that they would very likely play a sharp trick to evade the inspectors, the Bradys were very careful. It soon became apparent to the detectives that an important move was soon to be made, for the four spies were in frequent consultation with the Frenchman and his family. I've tried several times, and failed. They keep strictly aloof from everybody. I made an attempt to speak to each one of the party in a friendly way at the table, but they gave me such a cold reception, I had to withdraw in a hurry. Once more their disguises were changed, for they did not want the smugglers to see them in Toronto in the same characters, as it might arouse their suspicions.

They were now rigged out as two regular army soldiers, and pretended to be sightseeing, as most Americans are up in that region. The detectives now discovered that two of the spies had disappeared and a swift search was made to find them. He finally discovered that one of them had gone to get married, and the other acted as best man at the ceremony. His companion returned to La Croix's party and the bride and groom started off on a short wedding trip. Next day the smugglers boarded the cars for Niagara, and the Bradys felt that their work would soon be at an end. As the Custom House officers of Niagara had been specially warned against these people, they made a very careful search of their baggage and persons. Not a thing or place was overlooked in which there was the faintest chance of concealing precious stones.

But despite the keenness of the scrutiny—despite the extraordinary watchfulness—despite every care—not a diamond was found. They could not understand this want of success, except by thinking that the La Croix party were playing some deep, shrewd game. They headed for the International hotel and as the Bradys had already arranged to go there, they followed the Frenchman's party. Upon the arrival of the officers, a legal envelope was handed to Old King Brady, and he opened it and withdrew a warrant for Clara La Croix. Several days passed by, during which La Croix's three spies returned to Canada, as they were then of no further service. The day after they had gone, the fourth spy, who had got married, suddenly came over from Canada with his bride, and the detectives saw them go to the hotel where the La Croix party was stopping.

They went up to the clerk, sent their card to La Croix's room, and Clara presently came down and greeted them warmly. I'll try to entertain you until he is disengaged. She had abandoned her widow's weeds and resumed her wonted attire in which she looked very young and charming. It was a magnificently-furnished apartment and the trunk she brought over from France stood in the middle of the room. No sooner were they concealed when Clara and her two guests came in and at her invitation, seated themselves. When we started for the American side, my wife had the package of diamonds fastened under the lining of her skirt.

No one suspected us, of course. The officers only made a careless examination of our satchel and valise. We had no trouble whatever. We are in a hurry, and can come back in the course of an hour. Rising to her feet she drew the boy aside and held a whispered talk with him for several moments. Before he could depart, however, the closet door flew open with a bang and the Bradys sprang from their place of concealment. For the next few years they robbed banks, stagecoaches and stores.

During their lifetime of crime the James Gang committed over 20 crimes and stole more than , dollars in valuables and money. Their actions soon were looked upon as a success to the confederacy. Howard Hunt and G. The break was conducted by five men who were ordered to plant listening devices in the CRP to gain an edge over the democratic party for the election. The initial break in went without incident. After a month of listening to the office gossip of the DNC employees, the plumbers found that the head of the DNC office phone was faulty.

This leads the plumbers to need to break back into the DNC offices and replace the faulty bug. Duane Chapman is known to take down the bad guys so when his family is involved, the situation must be devastating on a very personal level. His homeless, stepdaughter has been charged in Hawaii for allegedly trying to rob a bank. After getting an undisclosed sum, she took off on foot.

After the explosions they found partial fingerprints in a plastic bag that contained the detonators. The examiners analyzed the prints, ran them through the system, and linked them to an attorney in Portland, Oregon named Brandon Mayfield. He claimed he was not a terrorist, that. It took a combination of old-fashioned shoe leather and high-tech forensics to crack the case. Since May 1st a large number of troubling bank robberies in the Homewood-Flossmoor area have vexed law enforcement and rattled the nerves of bank tellers and customers alike. Between May 1st and June 22nd, Jennings Palmer, 32, robbed banks …show more content… But one of our detectives who has a background in forensics realized that we might be able to dust for toe prints.

We got a tip about this guy from a neighbor of his who recognized him from the bank video that the local news stations aired. Dodd noted that cases like these are unusual but not unheard of. And there is a new biometric technology that matches vein patterns of hands. Show More. Monster By Walter Dean Myers Summary Words 3 Pages They are Steven Harmon, who is a sixteen-year-old young man who has been arrested for being a look-out in a robbery that turns out to be a murder. Fuk Ching likes to smuggle young woman from China into the Unites States where they are used as pawns. I plan to become a criminal justice lawyer so I will be able to help others that are being affected by trafficking. This crime of human trafficking through sex, labor, and smuggling drugs is prevalent in our world today.

A way people are affected by human trafficking is through sex. Sex trafficking is a cruel way to torture woman. Money from drugs is a major part of the economy in Mexico. Most illegal drugs enter the U. They enter the U. Thousands of people are murdered throughout the year because of this dangerous business. Figure 1 Many people who decide to go against the cartel, or not help them often become the victims. Figure 1-Homocide Victims. Extreme Smuggling Aragon, Carlos, director. This documentary gave me an inside look on what. The main goal of organised criminal groups is profit, so there are issues with crime syndicates being involved in illegal logging, cybercrime, piracy, and more.

However these examples are less relevant in cities. The most pertinent activities affecting urban areas due to organised crime are trafficking in drugs, light weapons, humans; violence; and corruption. Drugs Some organised crime groups use the drug trade as one of many methods of profiting financially for example, the American mafia ,. In San Diego County, border fencing remains a critical part of our effort to prevent and deter illegal immigrants and drug smugglers from entering the local community.

Since construction of the San Diego border fence began in , the smuggling of people and narcotics has dropped drastically; crime rates have been reduced by half, according to FBI statistics; vehicle drug drive-throughs have been eliminated; and apprehensions have decreased as the result of fewer crossing attempts. Los Aztecas are not only prominent in El Paso but also in Mexico. From its inception that gang has aided in drug trafficking operations.

In recent years, the gang has had a significant increase in members. Specifically, in many deported Mexican criminals were returning to Mexico. By , it was reported that there were about 7, He and 2 other innocent civilians were gunned down. This would not have happened if people could buy cigarettes regularly. Gangs would not need to smuggle cigarettes because it would not be. Drug trafficking is the mass-production of drugs in one country distributed to another for expected profit. The notorious bosses of the drug trafficking at the time were the infamous Pablo Escobar, Carlos Lehder, and Griselda Blanco. The two main smuggled drugs were cocaine and marijuana. They were smuggled by plane, boat, and human mules.

In these three stories the outsiders Tasso, Millicent and, Geraldine all have one goal in life, be part of a group or be known. The three authors of the short stories are diverse in all ways, but when reading the stories it feel that the authors planned the three stories to be related in one way.

She's waving her handkerchie that The Bradys And The Girl Smuggler Analysis who is psychodynamic approach definition out on the The Bradys And The Girl Smuggler Analysis from West str young King nrady gazed keenly at the The Bradys And The Girl Smuggler Analysis in qu tion and suddenly recognizing him Pros And Cons: The Economics Of Autonomous Vehicles exclaimed in cited tones: "Why, it's Pau1 La Croix, the diamond smuggler! Release them. It was a magnificently-furnished apartment and the trunk she brought over from France stood in the middle of the room. A week afterward, Old King Brady met Harry The Bradys And The Girl Smuggler Analysis police headquarters, and he boy saw by the look of triumph on The Bradys And The Girl Smuggler Analysis face that he had good news. Watching me, eh? Recent Shows.

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