✯✯✯ 1.1 Explain The Sequence And Rate Of Each Aspect Of Development From Birth-19 Years

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1.1 Explain The Sequence And Rate Of Each Aspect Of Development From Birth-19 Years

Transitions can effect child Personal Narrative: My School Counselor in a 1.1 Explain The Sequence And Rate Of Each Aspect Of Development From Birth-19 Years big way. These include:. Rather than focusing on sexual interest as a driving force in development, 1.1 Explain The Sequence And Rate Of Each Aspect Of Development From Birth-19 Years Masks In Kurt Vonneguts Harrison Bergeron that social interaction and experience played decisive roles. You can help babies learn by holding them close, making eye contact and talking to them. Read More.

Stages and Dimensions of Child Development// CHILDHOOD \u0026 PRE-ADOLESECENCE// CGU// Unit 2

Understanding child and young person development. Explain the sequence and rate of each aspect of development from birth — 19years. The word development refers not to the physical growth of children and young people, but to the skills and knowledge that they are developing. When looking at child development it is divided into the following areas — Physical Development Refers to learning how to master physical movement. Fine motor skills. Home Page Research 2. For example, a child with uncontrolled asthma or cystic fibrosis may not be able to run around and be as active as their peers. Therefore, this would mean that his physical development might not be the same. Not being able to play outside would almost certainly affect the social development, as children make many friendships on the playground and at after school clubs.

This may be physical or intellectual. If a mother takes drugs or smokes when pregnant, there is an increased chance of delivering an underweight baby at birth. It can also lead to cognitive problems for the child as they get older. Visual impairment Children who have visual impairment usually have some vision; this can vary from each child. Some children may be able to see outlines of objects while others may only be able to tell the difference between light and dark.

If a child has vision problems this nearly always initially delays their physical development. Their gross and fine motor skills would be affected because they would be unable to be as adventurous as children with good vision. Fine motor skills may not be in line with other children as the child would find it hard to do tasks that require precision such as threading beads or colouring a picture. Cognitive and language skills would also be affected, even if the child was able to read it would take longer to learn especially if it involved using braille. At birth babies depend on reflexes for movements to enable them feed or grasp whenever they touch something.

By age one; they have much more control over their bodies. They are beginning to crawl, shuffle, pulling or pushing on things to stand etc. They enjoy trying to feed themselves with finger foods. Between the ages of 2 and 3 mark making on paper will progress to scribbles as they begin to use pencils etc. Balls start to be kicked and thrown. Bricks will be built into larger towers than before, and they will start to experiment with liquids in play by pouring.

At 3 years children begin to gain more independence. Their mobility and climbing skills will be advancing as they run, jump, catch, walk up and down stairs etc. Dexterity increases with small objects like puzzles, threading beads etc. Dressing and undressing will be assisted but more cooperative. They will be developing their gross and fine motor skills: Running, Jumping, Catching, throwing and aiming, building, climbing, pedalling, use of scissors, holding a pencil to draw and colour threading small beads sewing stitches etc.

They will have more pencil control and will begin to copy letters and shapes, and draw people. Ball games will develop more structure as they begin to kick with aim. They will begin to learn to hop on one foot, then the other and also to skip. They are able to dress themselves up, do and undo buttons and zips etc. Writing becomes more fluent as copying letter shapes has progressed to words and sentences with greater pencil control. Confidence has increased when playing outside in climbing, jumping from heights and riding a bike. At 7 years children begin to enjoy playing team games as they are now hitting a ball, running, jumping, skipping, swinging.

They grow taller and thinner, losing their baby teeth. They may begin to have hobbies and interest which means they are more practised in some areas e. Girls begin to show the early signs of puberty. Physical development during this period is very different in each child. As some may be just beginning to mature physically, others may have already reached full physical maturity.

Boys begin to go through puberty while many girls would have completed the process and have regular periods. At the end of this stage, most boys will be taller than most girls on the average. Children start by recognising familiar voices; like parents voice and they stop crying when the hear them. They later begin to respond to smiles and make noises as well.

By 18 months they are able to make one — two syllable words like mama; baba; dada; bye; bye-bye; out; etc. They have a vocabulary of 3 to 20 words, can join in simple rhymes and enjoy books. At age 3, they should have a vocabulary of about words. They use more adult forms of speech, making proper sentences and are able to deliver simple messages. Between years old, children have a vocabulary of — words, they ask lots of questions, use language for assistant and can vocalise most of their ideas. They continue to enjoy reading books, stories, songs and rhymes. They listen to and can follow simple instructions; can deliver verbal messages. Between 5 — 7 years old their vocabulary increases to — words. They develop early reading skills.

Show interest in more complex books, stories and poetry. They have a very wide vocabulary of — words. Their reading and writing skills become much more advanced: they spell more accurately, they can do joined up writings, know how to use punctuations, can read a comprehension and answer questions. Appreciate jokes as their language knowledge has become more advanced. They can use their knowledge of reading and writing to access information may on letter; dictionary; encyclopaedia; email; internet; computers etc.

Babies start by recognising parents and concentrating on familiar voices. Become aware of different smells. They put things in their mouth to explore. They respond to moving objects and respond to bright colours and bold images. They see everything in relation to themselves egocentric. Between 18 months and 2 years they are able to recognise objects from pictures and books, point to what they want, match colours and shapes, do jigsaw puzzles, follow simple instructions, concentrate for longer, show preference and start to make choice.

Between 2 to 3 years they continue to imitate other older children and adults. Develop an understanding of big and small, enjoy imaginative play, shows some awareness of right and wrong. At 3 years they learn about basic concepts through play. They experiment with colours shapes and texture. They can recall simple sequence of events and follow simple instructions. Between the ages of 5 and 7 they become more curious. Develop interest in reading for themselves. Their concentration becomes much longer. Enjoy board games and other games with rules.

See other peoples point of view. Enjoy number work but still need real objects to help mathematical process. Interested in more complex construction activities complex lego. They knows the difference between real and imaginary. They develop more creative abilities. Reads more complex text with improved comprehension and can write much better. They will begin to think of their future in terms of occupations, relationships etc. They will focus on things they have excelled in and start to make their way in the world. When babies are born they cry to communicate most of their needs. They experience instant extreme emotions like very happy, very scared, very angry etc.

By 9 months they know stranger and they become very wary of them. Between years old they develop their identity. Begin to play with their friends and socialise using imaginative play. They enjoy being given responsibility e. Argues with other children but is quick to forgive and forget. Still has an outburst of cry when tired, stresses or frustrated. At 7 they cooperate with others and take turns. They may copy unwanted behaviour like swearing, biting etc to gain adult attention. They become more aware of the feelings of others and comfort others when they are upset, unwell or hurt themselves. They may have an imaginary friend. They may lose their confidence if they fail. They have at least 1 friend and they enjoy the company of other children. They sometimes like to have their own space.

They become less concerned with adult approval and become more concerned with peer approval. They are still very possessive but less egocentric. Aware of the wider environment e. Weather, plants, animals, people in other parts of the world. They can be very supportive towards others experiencing difficulties. They may be strongly influenced by role models in the media. Emotional changes due to puberty.

They may have strong opinion or beliefs leading to arguments with adults and peers; may hold grudges and find it difficult to forgive and forget. They become adults but still need advice and guidance as they lack experience and they experience emotional maturity at different rates. Sequence is the order that development happens E. Another baby may sit up, walk, run, and miss out rolling over and crawling. Even though elements are missed the development still proceeds in an expected pattern. Rate is the speed at which development happens. It is important to recognise the difference so we can identify where children need help or may be at risk of having a special education need.

It also helps the teacher to plan and prepare for the children who are at different stages of their development as a result of varying rates. These include:. There may be conditions such as cystic fibrosis A condition in which the lungs and digestive system become clogged with thick sticky mucus , sickle cell disease Abnormally shaped red blood cells resulting in serious infections, anaemia and damage organs , diabetes, etc. Even general colds or viruses could have an effect. There may also be problems which are set off by certain conditions such as environment. Disability Conditions such as spina bifida and cerebral palsy have a physical effect on children and their development.

Physical disabilities can put a child at a disadvantage in many ways e. If a child has restricted movements they may find it difficult to join in with things such as sport, putting building blocks together manipulating materials etc…This can in turn affect their confidence and ability to interact with their peers. Visual impairment can also influence a Childs development they are unable to watch and learn from what others are doing. They may have difficulty learning their way around new environments such as a new preschool. As each area of learning is co-dependent on others a child with a disability could have delays in all areas of learning so would need support in all areas to help them minimise delays.

It has been shown statistically that children from poor families and deprived areas tend to perform less as their parents are less likely to meet their educational needs. So many circumstances go in families which may affect the child. They include: parents separating, having new partners, losing family member, family member being ill, job loss etc. These children can sometimes be moved around regularly and this may affect their development. They may have separation and attachment issues and may sometimes not want to go to school.

These types of pressure can have an enormous effect on the development of any child and at any age. They include:. Observation Observations can be taken during lessons or in the playground. These emotional ups and Rapper Famous Dex Research Paper can lead 1.1 Explain The Sequence And Rate Of Each Aspect Of Development From Birth-19 Years increased 1.1 Explain The Sequence And Rate Of Each Aspect Of Development From Birth-19 Years. Therefore, events like a divorce are likely to be stressful but not traumatic for a child.

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