⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Dialectic Reflection

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Dialectic Reflection

It would be possible, Dialectic Reflection, to extend the analysis indefinitely, each time increasing the subtlety and complexity present by a Dialectic Reflection detailed explication in depth of the ever-present Absolute Behind The Swoosh Analysis infinite Dialectic Reflection. Please enter the sum of thirteen Dialectic Reflection three Dialectic Reflection the form of digits! Dialectic Reflection is a concrete universal Dialectic Reflection itself, including all Dialectic Reflection three within Dialectic Reflection each is both Dialectic Reflection yet universal Dialectic Reflection, i. Matter is a Dialectic Reflection category denoting Dialectic Reflection that which Dialectic Reflection outside of Dialectic Reflection independently of thought — objective reality. I feel like this Dialectic Reflection was Dialectic Reflection directed to Dialectic Reflection studying Rebellion In The Handmaids Tale and less Dialectic Reflection social sork Utopian Movement Essay.

Dialectical Thinking (Part 1): Origins of the Search for Truth, Consequences for Fundamental Theory

Mirrors of this type are very common in optics experiments, due to improved techniques that allow inexpensive manufacture of high-quality mirrors. Examples of their applications include laser cavity end mirrors, hot and cold mirrors , thin-film beamsplitters , high damage threshold mirrors, and the coatings on modern mirrorshades. Dielectric mirrors function based on the interference of light reflected from the different layers of dielectric stack. This is the same principle used in multi-layer anti-reflection coatings , which are dielectric stacks which have been designed to minimize rather than maximize reflectivity.

Simple dielectric mirrors function like one-dimensional photonic crystals , consisting of a stack of layers with a high refractive index interleaved with layers of a low refractive index see diagram. The thicknesses of the layers are chosen such that the path-length differences for reflections from different high-index layers are integer multiples of the wavelength for which the mirror is designed. The reflections from the low-index layers have exactly half a wavelength in path length difference, but there is a degree difference in phase shift at a low-to-high index boundary, compared to a high-to-low index boundary, which means that these reflections are also in phase.

In the case of a mirror at normal incidence, the layers have a thickness of a quarter wavelength. Other designs have a more complicated structure generally produced by numerical optimization. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. Home About Suggested Reading. April 3, Share this: Twitter Facebook. Like this: Like Loading About L. Zapata is a graduate student looking to break into a new career path in writing for any field that cherishes a creative and imaginative academia.

View all posts by L. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:. Mechanical Materialism refers to those forms of materialist thinking which gained strength from the gains of natural science beginning from the work of Newton and others in explaining the world in terms of the action of objects one upon another according to fixed laws of nature, expressed in terms of forces.

Mechanical materialism is the science of things rather than processes , of external action rather than internal change, it emphasises exact science at the expense of holistic knowledge, and separates absolutely the subject " observer " and object. The gains of science expressed in the mechanical view of the world allowed the build up of a vast body of theoretical knowledge, which in turn laid the basis for a dialectical view. See Hegel on Mechanism. Existence or definition of a thing concept by revealing its relation to another thing concept. The properties of things are revealed in the interconnection with other things.

A mirror mediates the thing it is reflecting and its image. Mediated knowledge is knowledge which is mediated, for example, through past experience and reflection which enables us to recognise things in the stream of impressions. Mediation is important in the dialectical understanding of the Syllogism and in understanding how social relations participate in the acquisition of knowledge by individuals. By the 16th century Metaphysics became synonymous with Ontology , the study of Being or Existence.

We can talk of concepts being 'negations' of sense-perception, and of human actions as being 'negations' of the world, inasmuch as actions are to change the world. Subject and Object are crucial concepts in Epistemology , the theory of knowledge. In the dialectical theory of knowledge, the important thing is to understand the subject and object as a unity and to see both the activity of the subject which had been developed by idealism — see Theses on Feuerbach No. See also subjectivism , objectivism indicating errors in a person's approach to problems , Subjective Idealism , Objective Idealism indicating trends in the history of hilosophy , Subjectivity , Objectivity referring to divisions of the Doctrine of the Notion in Hegel's Logic , Subjective Logic and Objective Logic referring to the two Parts of Hegel's Logic.

See Theses on Feuerbach. Philosophical standpoint which refrains from making value judgements, or intervening in the object and fails to recognise the fact that the subject is part of the object. See Objectivity in the Hints. Those philosophical trends which see nature and history as the expression of ideal forces and therefore, while seeing the material world as knowable, reject the primacy of the material world, of which ideas can only be a reflection. Marx regarded Hegel as an objective idealist and showed that Hegel's views are close to those of consistent materialism. The idealist conception of history, which sees history as expressing the onward progress of civilisation, etc.

See Marx's definition of this in Observation means the purposive perception of the objective world which provides the primary data for scientific research, in which the investigator endeavours not to influence the object being observed. The aim is to isolate the object from the active intervention of the subject, but not to limit the "reality" interconnection with all other processes and things in the world. In the history of science, observation plays a vital role from Aristotle onwards, but only from Bacon's time becomes systematic.

Observation is the characteristic method of Empiricism , but there is never a time when Observation is not fundamental; Observation is developed in combination with the active side with Experiment and Practice. Observation is about the dialectic of Being. Operationalism asserts that the criterion of truth of a proposition is that it is able to be 'tested' by an effective procedure, or finite sequence of definite operations.

Thus, operationalism rejects as invalid any concept which is not amenable to testing in this manner, and identifies a concept with its operational definition, rejecting any other content for it. Operationalism thus draws attention to the practical aspect of knowledge, but true Notions , such as 'social class' or 'value' are barred from theory by Operationalism, which will admit only of those objects immediately given in experience. Operationalism thus remains within the orbit of subjectivism if applied one-sidedly. See Hegel's criticism of Kant's view of 'practical ideas'. For dialectics there is no sharp boundary between Phenomenon and Thing-in-itself.

Positivism was popular amongst those who drew sceptical conclusions from the stunning developments in natural science around the turn of the century and is still a dominant trend today among historians and social scientists. Positivism asserts that science can only describe the outward appearance of things, and no 'meaning' or 'law' can be ascribed to nature or history. Positivism militates against simplistic or mechanical explanations and obliges a critical appraisal of the facts and the concepts and theories by which facts are grasped.

Lacking any knowledge of dialectics and relying instead on formal logic however, positivism was led to reject the only materialism it knew, mechanical or contemplative materialism. Unable to grasp interconnection, internal contradiction, transition and real movement, scepticism became absolute. In this way, positivism led back to subjective idealism. In physics, statements like ' matter does not exist', in historical analysis, that 'history is one long series of accidents ', follow from positivism's rejection of dialectics, and therefore materiality.

Objective stages in development of a process reflecting the existence or absence of the conditions for its occurrence. For dialectics there can be no sharp line between Possibility, where conditions may be in the process of development, and the realisation of possibility. If all the conditions for a thing are present, then it will be realised. Knowledge which affirms something, rather than denying or negating something or disproving something. Usually associated with the "positive sciences" which accumulate " positive knowledge " about the objective world.

Pragmatism says that "If it works, then it's true". In other words, the criterion of truth is reduced absolutely to the immediate validity of the application of a proposition to existent reality. Pragmatism is a step forward from empiricism in that while it regards experience only as valid, it emphasises the active side of experience, and in this sense introduces a rational element into empiricism.

Einstein also has interesting comments on Bridgman in his Reply to Criticisms , and Richard Rorty offers a more modern defence of Pragmatism. Quality is an aspect of something by which it is what it is and not something else and reflects that which is stable amidst variation. Quantity is an aspect of something which may change become more or less without the thing thereby becoming something else.

In Hegel's Logic, Quality is the first division of Being , when the world is just one thing after another, so to speak, while Quantity is the second division, where perception has progressed to the point of recognising what is stable within the ups and downs of things. The third and final stage, Measure , the unity of quality and quantity, denotes the knowledge of just when quantitative change becomes qualitative change. Rationalism emphasises the role of Reason in arriving at true knowledge, as opposed to. Empiricism , which emphasises the role of Experience and sense perception in knowledge.

There are both idealist and materialist trends in both Rationalism and Empiricism. In dialectics, Reality is a synonym for Actuality. In Hegel's Logic, Reciprocity is the completion of the division of Actuality which proves to be the Notion. Reciprocity is the grasping of the thing at the point where cause and effect , action and reaction, possibility and necessity have completely merged with one another. In inorganic nature, reflection is the process of things reproducing, under the influence of other things, traces or imprints of the things exercising that influence; in organic nature, reflection is an active process, such as in the adaptation of animals to their environment or the irritability of plants and other organisms.

The idea of reflection, as the correspondence of mental images with the material world which is the source of those images, is the basis of the materialist approach to cognition. Reflection refers especially to the relation between phenomena and their Essence. See Hegel in the Shorter Logic. Religion is that form of social consciousness in which forces of Earthly are conceived as fantastic "unearthly" forms and which constitutes a systematic and dogmatic doctrine supported by an organisation. See Theism. Hegel places religion in the penultimate position in his philosophy, after Art, and followed only by philosophy.

For his understanding of religion see the first paragraph of the Encyclopedia and his discussion of blind necessity which contains an excellent commentary on religion. See Feuerbach on Hegel combatting theology with philosophy. As a philosophical doctrine, Scepticism emerged during the crisis of antique society 4th century BC as a reaction to the preceding philosophical systems which had tried to explain the sensual world by means of speculative reasoning and in so doing had often contradicted one another. The first sceptics drew attention to the relativity of human knowledge and its dependence on various circumstances See Hegel on Scepticism and Hume , above.

Self-consciousness is the awareness of being separate from the objective world and of being related to and a part of that world. Viewing humankind as a product of Nature, humanity is in this sense the self-consciousness of Nature. Social processes may also be viewed as processes which may develop along the same lines: as a social class or movement at first exists, but only as potential in-itself , becomes existent, or 'visible' and active, but as yet does not act under its own program or notion of itself, and eventually attains not only consciousness of its existence and ends, but reaches the point of unifying theory and practice, i.

See Illusory Being above. In an alternative explanation of the three parts of Logic as three stages in the development of thinking, Hegel says that the first is Abstract Understanding; then Dialectical, or Negative Reason and thirdly the Speculative stage of Positive Reason. Structuralism is the method of investigation which aims at revealing the structure of a complex thing, abstracted from its phenomenal form and materiality.

This allows attention to be focussed on structural similarities between different phenomena irrespective of superficial differences and actual material content of the object. This method has been popular among sociologists. Structuralism further denotes a whole trend in philosophy which was dominant from the end of World War II till the rise of post-structuralism in the s. Structuralism had its origins in the linguistics of Ferdinand de Saussure c. This trend arose in response to the inadequacy of the exclusive focus, characteristic of the Second Positivism , on analysis of the data of perception and its rejection of any type of "metaphysics".

Saussure showed that the meaning of a word lay not in its phonic form but in its position within a structure of phonemes. Likewise, for Durkheim, various societies based themselves on mythologies the characters and events of which were relatively "arbitrary", but clearly shared a common "structure". The American version is Functionalism , developed by Talcott Parsons , which emphasises the dynamic equilibrium to the various processes within a complex. Likewise, in economics it was seen that the values of the various econnomic parameters formed a structure much like that of a mechanical structure which could be manipulated by intervention.

John Maynard Keynes. The limitations of structuralism arise from its focus on form , albeit structural form, at the expense of content , and abstracting from materiality, must needs be ahistorical and contemplative. A dialectical view differs from Structuralism because for dialectics form and content bear a definite relation which analysis is bound to explore, whereas strucuralism regards form as indifferent. Materialism differs from structuralism by recognising the necessary interconnection between the multiplicity of interconnected structural forms within any complex and the need to study the development of structures in relation to underlying social developments.

Foucault's critique of structuralism in Archaeology of Knowledge , reflected the failure of structuralism to resolve the social contradictions manifested at the end of the post-war boom and the loss of confidence in "grand narratives" and is parallel to the emergence of finite mathematics and related technologies relative to analysis and notions of continuum. While drawing attention to the shortcomings of Structuralism Foucault's post-structuralism fails to resolve the very issues which lay at the basis of the earlier rise of structuralism and suffers from much the same short-comings as indicated above.

Structure means the inner organisation of a system, constituting a unity of stable interrelations between the elements, as well as laws governing the interrelations.

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